How long does a seminar last?
Why is leadership training important?
Leadership is a skill. It can be learnt, developed, nurtured. And people can improve the quality of their leadership to ensure the people around them can contribute to achieving positive and desired results.
Like all skills, some people are born leaders, or have grown into being leaders without realising it. Others need to work more at building up their skill. Regardless of the case, everyone can improve and develop their skill.
What are the typical situations for team development workshops?
All teams go through a life-cycle, where they gradually build the trust, communication, and frameworks that will allow them to perform to the top of their potential. This process can take much time, and in some cases can be derailed due to difficulties in communication or other factors. That is why it is important to consciously invest time and effort in developing the team to ensure it reaches the point of peak performance as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Think of a team where people do not know each other very well, in spite of sharing the same working space. Communication will probably be limited to the minimum necessary, and maybe some relevant knowledge is not shared because it is not seen to be important. Or maybe team members do not trust each other to not abuse their positions, which means they only share the least information possible. Or there is a change in structure in the company and the team now faces changes in membership and mandate. Or the team has been very successful for a long time but now performance is starting to slow down.
Where does the seminar take place?
Seminars take place in a multitude of environments. All our seminars are customised to fit each group’s circumstances, and the same is true for location. So each location is agreed with each client to ensure all our work is aligned to helping participants take away the deepest, most memorable learning possible. We have delivered seminars in Switzerland, Europe, Middle and Far East, and the Americas.
What equipment do we need for the outdoor seminar?
We recommend participants be prepared for the weather outside. Typically, participants should bring:
• Hard-wearing, warm leisure clothing that can get dirty.
• Sport or walking shoes with good tread, as well as spare shoes for indoors.
• Rainwear (no umbrellas – participants need their hands free).
• Headgear in case of cold or sun.
• Sunscreen.
• Spare clothes.
Apart from your own clothing and shoes, you need not worry about any other equipment, unless explicitly asked to bring something in particular. This happens rarely.
What are the characteristics of outdoor training?
Our tasks are metaphorical simulations of daily work circumstances. As such, being outdoors will simulate real life situations of being exposed to challenging environments and difficult circumstances. This means that being exposed to natural environmental temperature and noises will expose participants to a series of distractions analogue to the ones that can be found in a busy workplace or in a competitive market. As such, they are metaphorical and symbolic references to daily work life.
Also, from a pedagogical standpoint, being outdoors helps participants focus on the task, eliminate distractions, and therefore extract as much learning as possible from the experience. Being outdoors allows participants to detach from the immediacy of the work environment and adopt a more reflective, detached attitude towards their work. This translates into more profound reflection and analysis and more insightful learning.”
Do all seminars happen outdoors?
Not necessarily. We also deliver seminars indoors, and we deliver seminars online, or in a blended format. It depends on what the client requires and can do, and what the circumstances allow us to do.
What about safety?
We push you to your limits but never beyond. As such, safety and security are paramount to us.
– Our Outdoors experts are all certified on and have many years’ experience in the conduction of outdoor activities such as bungee jumping, kayaking, mountain climbing, etc.
– Additionally, we run annual training programmes for our technicians to ensure they are up-to-date on all preventive security measures in the construction and operation of our tasks.
– We always have first aid kits available on all of our seminars, and all our trainers are certified annually to provide first aid care.
– Additionally, we constantly verify the state of all our materials to ensure all constructions are safe and materials will not malfunction and cause accidents.
We take security and safety seriously.
We are just a Team of 4 persons. Can we participate in a Seminar ?
Are tasks held outdoors even in winter?
Yes, absolutely. Our tasks are metaphorical simulations of daily work situations, and as such seek to reflect things that do happen in daily life. Like being exposed to challenging circumstances and be involved in difficult environments. Like having to make decisions with time pressure and uncomfortable circumstances. This means that we will conduct our tasks outdoors. Even in winter.
In any case, we follow our principle of pushing you to your limits but never beyond. That is why we always inform our participants about the type of clothing they should wear, and typically will have jackets, boots, gloves and other apparel available to be loaned to participants in case of cold, rain, etc.
What do outdoor games have to do with everyday life in the company?
Our tasks are metaphorical simulations of daily work circumstances. As such, being outdoors will simulate real life situations of being exposed to challenging environments and difficult circumstances. It is this exposure to the elements that will enable participants to learn the different behaviours they need to successfully deal with these challenges.
Also, from a pedagogical standpoint, being outdoors helps participants focus on the task, eliminate distractions, and therefore extract as much learning as possible from the experience.
What physical requirements do our employees need to fulfil?
We tailor all outdoor training activities precisely to the participants’ needs and circumstances. The physical constitution and mental conditions of participants are important information that we collect in advance. We have developed different levels of difficulty for each activity – with the same high level of training success. As a general rule, every activity is completely voluntary. Anyone who does not want to or cannot take part can freely decide to do so, and will still be a part of the process.
Which method do you use?
The Stucki Method® is based on experiential learning or activity-based learning. It relies on a four-stage process that begins with Activity, leading on to Observation, then to Reflection and conceptualisation, and through to Transfer. More detailed explanations of our method and each of the key elements of the Stucki Method® can be found in this link.
Do you have examples of successful seminars you delivered
Success stories can be found in this Link
Do you have examples of failures?
Yes, absolutely. But… we consider ‘failures’ to be opportunities for learning. And we have had many of those, like when participants had not been sufficiently briefed on what to expect and walked out unhappy with the experience. Or when the location was not ideal for the tasks and participants felt unhappy about the way things unfolded. Or when some participants felt they needed to be somewhere else and did not invest themselves in the session. But in every case, we ensure we use the results of the activities to build a debrief that helps participants reflect on what happened and why it did, and what learning can be extracted to apply to daily business life.
Why should senior leaders participate in leadership development programmes?
Leadership is a skill. It can be perfected, developed, refined infinitely. And, like all skills, unless you hone it regularly, you lose it. That is why even the most experienced airline pilots need to regularly go back to the simulator to refine, perfect, hone their skills in specific areas of their work. World class sportspeople practice and train their skills every day to ensure they are able to deliver to their full potential when the time comes for such delivery.
Senior leaders will benefit from our trainings by having the possibility of discussing in detail with a trained expert about their own actions, reactions, thought processes, etc. Thus they will refine even further and quicker their leadership skills.