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40 Years Stucki


In 1984, Robert Stucki founded the company Stucki Leadership & Team Development. From the start, action-oriented learning has been central to our approach, making Stucki a pioneer in leadership training in Switzerland. At the time, this action-oriented approach was virtually unknown in Europe.

How It All Started

It all begain in the 1980s with experiences in the Swiss Alps:
• Decisions have to be taken...
• Collaboration is key...
• Leadership is essential...
• Situations can change rapidly...
• Some factors, like hte weather, are beyond our control...

... these conditions mirror everyday working environments


The Dawn of An Idea

Robert found himself suddenly thrown into a leadership role at the engineering company where he was employed. He realised that the practical learning methods he had developed in the mountain could be applied to the workplace.

He also observed that much of the knowledge from management schools was theoretical, and translating it into practical skills posed a challenge.


1984: The Foundation of Stucki

Robert founded the company to bridge the gap between theoretical business school approaches and the practical needs of leaders, supervisors, and employees.

He pioneered acivity-based learning by combining his experience as a mountain guide with his leadership role in an engineering company. The inital clients included major corporations such as IBM, IMD, ABB, and IBA/Novartis, with smaller regional companies joining soon after.

The First Simulator

Robert worked with innovative thinkers from key clients to develop the first simulator. This simulator featured outdoor tasks involving ropes and harnesses to offer intense experiences and reinforce practical learning for daily work. As demand increased, the range of tasks expanded to address evolving customer needs, industry trends, and emerging business topics.

Fast Changing Market

Over the past 40 years, it hasn’t just been our logo and company name that have evolved. We’ve continually adapted and refined our methods to address new topics, integrate emerging tools, and stay relevant in a fast-changing market.

What remains constant is our methodology. The Stucki Method® is rooted in experiential learning—observing, reflecting, and adapting behaviors to enhance collaboration and leadership. We believe this approach makes transformation processes more effective and sustainable.

And the Future?

Digitalisation, emerging trends in collaboration and leadership, evolving organisational structures, social changes, and climate change all drive us to anticipate, adapt, and develop new simulations, concepts, and projects.

Working with Stucki has always been—and will continue to be—exciting. Empowering people is our passion, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

Our company and seminar locations